Osteopathy for Animals

The Candlewell Clinic has a clinic for animals run by Susan Clark MSc. (Ost) DO. Registered with the General Osteopathic Council and a member of the Society of Osteopaths in Animal Practice.

The Candlewell Clinic is a very animal friendly place that is set in a calm relaxing rural location, with plenty of safe parking where we treat both people and animals. We use very gentle releasing and balancing techniques.

Some of the conditions that are brought to us are:

Back and neck pain
Joint pain in all areas of the body
To ease osteoarthritic conditions
Muscular skeletal problems

By law any osteopath working on animals must have a letter of consent from the relevant vet.

“We do a lot of work for the RSPCA, and were asked to foster Alfie, a mini schnauzer, from a puppy farm. We can’t recommend Susan highly enough and we are happy to talk to anyone about her treatment of animals” - Mrs Lois James Hart

“I started taking Brando to Sue for treatments and he is now so much better! He has been totally free of symptoms for many months at a time. It has been amazing to see the difference Sue’s treatments have made! It is lovely to watch Brando lie down and enjoy the treatment. He adores Sue and is always very happy to visit her.” - Therese Howell
“A cow that becomes injured or cannot keep up with the pace of the herd and the working life on the farm, and I would guess that on the majority of European dairy farms then she would have been sent to market. But we like to do everything we can for our cows so we pulled her out of the herd and kept her in her own VIC (Very Important Cow) pen over a period of weeks, in the hope that with some rest her injury would start to repair. We tried numerous things and even the vet had written off her chances of making a recovery, but as she was still producing milk and happy in herself we didn’t give up.
Gideon, my uncle, had been going to see Susan Clark, Osteopath from the Candlewell Clinic on Cadmore End Common and mentioned Aphradite’s difficulties. Susan said she would be pleased to come and see the cow and see if there was anything she could do for her. I’m not ashamed to admit that I was very sceptical, the vet had given up on her and we had tried everything we could, and my hopes were pretty much zero.
Animal clinic
But Susan kept with it and came to see our VIC numerous times. Susan has worked with animals before, mainly horses and dogs, never a cow, but she had plenty of belief that progress could be made…. And she was right! After a few visits visible improvement in how the cow walked could be seen, and after a little more work from Susan, Aphrodite was well enough to rejoin the milking herd, happily walking in and out to milk every day. I am pleased to admit that I was totally wrong in my perception of the Osteopath, and Susan can take pride in knowing that through her techniques and skills she saved this cow. - Will Lacey